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by (725k points)

How to know the size of WhatsApp conversations

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by (725k points)
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Smartphones have become almost a necessity for users. Each time they are more advanced devices, but in the actuality the storage is necessary to manage it well not to exhaust it. Let's focus on how to know the size of WhatsApp conversations , since sometimes we can eliminate conversations and thus free up space .


We have a multitude of instant messaging applications, but WhatsApp is the dominant app. It is true that Telegram exists and that it offers even better functions, but WhatsApp is the king. For this reason, we offer this tutorial that we intuit will help many people optimize the internal storage of their smartphone .

To follow this tutorial we will not use any third party application , everything will be done manually through the WhatsApp app itself. You have no excuse not to try.

How to find out the size of conversations or group chats in WhatsApp.

This method is very simple, first of all we open WhatsApp. Then click on the options menu that is located in the upper right corner, represented by three vertical points.


Within the options that appear in this menu, we select the "Settings" . In the new list that appears on the screen, we select the option "Data and Storage" and finally click on "Use of storage" .


After a few moments we will see a screen with all the conversations and the size they occupy . Sometimes, this list takes a long time to load, especially when we have many stored chats or if our device is slow.

This list appears ordered from highest to lowest, that is, the conversations that most occupy will appear at the beginning of the list . In addition, when the space occupied by each chat or chat group is analyzed, the space occupied by images, videos and files is also included .

How to delete data from a WhatsApp conversation.

In the previous list, we will have to select a contact or a group . Once selected, a screen will appear with the statistics of what each type of file occupies: messages, contacts, locations, photos, gifs, videos, audio messages and documents.


In this statistics screen, click on "Manage messages" and we will see that all the elements of the list that occupy space are automatically selected. At this point, we have two options:

  • Click on "Empty Messages" and all the data of that contact or group will be deleted.
  • Select manually which sections to delete and which ones not. In this way, we can keep the photos that a contact sent us, but delete the rest of the documents that you have sent us (photos, audio messages, etc) .

Why manage the space that WhatsApp uses?

The most obvious answer is that this method allows us great flexibility when deciding which data to delete and which data to not. There are cleaning programs that eliminate all the data associated with WhatsApp, but this is sometimes excessive.

With this option of WhatsApp we can keep at bay all those old files that lack interest and thus free space on the device. Remember that every time we use more images, videos and audio in our conversations, lake that is reflected in the space they occupy. I recommend you to put this tutorial into practice, although it may seem silly, in my case I have managed to release more than 1GB of data.

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