Normally we always have the WiFi connection turned on in our devices so that whenever we are near a known network our smartphone connects to it and if we leave that network we begin to use the data connection automatically but, in the background, we stay at the Wait until we locate our network again, the device automatically connects to the internet.
This, although it is very useful and practical, in many occasions generates a high consumption of battery while constantly searching for networks and emitting WiFi signal. We can choose 2 options to avoid this additional battery consumption. The first option is to manually disable Wi-Fi whenever we are not going to use it. The problem with this option is that many times we can get lost and forget to turn off this connectivity, so it would be of little use.
The second option is to use an application as "WiFi network manager" that will automate this process and disconnect our WiFi connection from the device when we are not connected to a network and automatically activate it every time to search for networks and connect in case to detect some or to disconnect again if we do not connect to any network.
WiFi network manager is a free tool that perfectly fulfills its function. It also has a premium version that eliminates advertising and allows you to use certain additional functions, such as checking the connection history.
The first thing we must do is download and install the application on our device from the Play Store . Once downloaded we execute it for the first time and we will see the main window of the application.

By default, the application is already a service in our system and will begin to work. We can configure several aspects of this application in order to better adapt to our needs. To do this, we will slide the screen from the left to the right and select "Settings".

The configuration window will open in which we can adjust most of the parameters offered by this application.

First of all we can configure WiFi Network Manager so that it does not work if we activate the airplane mode or if we manually disable WiFi, that is, it will only work if we leave the valid connection range, which will automatically change from activated to deactivation timer.
We can also configure the periods of time in which the application will automatically activate and deactivate the WiFi of our device and the notifications that we want to be displayed on it.
When we lose the signal of our WiFi we will see a notification in our system similar to the following one in which we will be informed of the time period until the next activation again.

In the case of reaching the time of re-activation and not detecting networks within reach automatically it will be deactivated for another period of time until the new exploration.
In this way, the battery of our device will last a little longer by not supposing the expenditure of energy by the hardware of our wireless card.