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How to recover the PIN of the SIM card from Movistar

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It is true that technology advances by leaps and bounds, but it is also true that we must memorize a large number of passwords and passwords to use banking or telephony services. In this article we will show how to recover the PIN of the SIM card of Movistar .


The large number of keys that we have to memorize, sometimes leads to a forgetfulness of any of these keys, surely that more than one has forgotten the key of your credit card or you have forgotten the PIN of your phone. This is something more common than we think, so be prepared.

How to recover the PIN of the SIM card of Movistar.

First of all, we warn you that during this process we will need an internet connection, paper and pencil nearby in case we need to write down the code and the ID of the owner . We also assume that the SIM card is from Movistar, that is, that you are a Movistar customer today or else this process will not work.


Steps to recover the PIN of the Movistar SIM card:

  • Movistar does not offer the possibility to consult the PIN of the SIM card, but if you have a service to consult the PUK code , which allows us to obtain a new PIN. Therefore, the first step will be to introduce the wrong PIN code until you request the PUK code .
  • In this second step, we will recover the PUK code of our Movistar SIM by accessing the following link and entering the requested data: http://www.movistar.es/particulares/atencion-cliente/consulta-puk/
  • Then, we follow the instructions that appear on the screen and when we see the PUK code we write it down .
  • We enter the PUK code in the phone and then create a new PIN. To create it we have to open the telephone numeric dialer (the one used to call by typing the telephone number) and enter the following sequence:
    ** 05 * PUK * PIN * PIN #
    Clarify that in the sequence, where it says PUK and PIN, we must replace them with the respective codes, the PIN code being the new 4-digit code chosen. As an example, a sequence would be the following: ** 05 * 01234567 * 1234 * 1234 #

In four simple steps we have recovered the PIN of the Movistar SIM card and we have the operating phone again.

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