When we choose an animated wallpaper on our smartphone it always gives that personalized touch of "life" , that's why many users turn to the Material Islands wallpapers .
This type of animated backgrounds has a small drawback and is that they can reduce slightly the battery life, but it has a quite reduced impact that we will hardly notice and in return we will have a more pleasant environment in sight. Moreover, in the case of Material Islands, they have been careful not to add animations in real time so that the impact on battery life is virtually non-existent .
The wallpapers Material Islands for Android focus on a minimalist style , in which we appreciate simple figures but with a dreamy design. They recreate paradisiacal, mystical or urban places with a mixture of simplicity and beauty.
The strength of Material Islands is that depending on the time of day we can assign a different fund that represents the time stage .
To understand it better, throughout the day we see four stages: sunrise, morning period, afternoon period and night. With this application, we can assign a different wallpaper according to the period of the day in which we are .
In addition, Material Islands allows us to adjust the hours at which each of the four stages begins, since we already know that depending on the month of the year and the geographical location it is something that can vary.
If you are bored of always seeing the same wallpaper, Material Islands gives you a simple and free solution with an impeccable design. The application can be downloaded completely free from Google Play and once inside the application, allows us to make a donation to the developer of Material Islands.
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