+1 votes
by (725k points)

New technology to find the mobile off

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (725k points)
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The mobile is part of our lives and we take it with us practically all day, as well as the house keys or the wallet. This makes it susceptible to being stolen or lost, who has not lost the house keys at some time. For this reason it seems that the manufacturers, more specifically Apple, wants to offer a new technology to find the mobile off .


This new technology is probably not yet available or there is a prototype, but Apple has already advanced to patent it . We do not know if it is by simple anticipation in the patents against its competitors or if they really already have something in hand that works.

Apple patents a new technology to find the mobile off and avoid losing it.

We believe that this new technology aims to keep the GPS locator active even when the mobile is off or maybe it is turned on intermittently every time to save battery. Because this system would work theoretically with the mobile off, but we are still subject to the phone having a battery.

As we have read in various sources, this technology has been registered by Apple on May 4, 2016 and no more details are specified than the possibility of locating the mobile device even when it is turned off. It is increasingly common that the batteries of smartphones are not removable, so it could be a great anti-theft solution .


It is clear that security has to advance as do the rest of the features of our device. It is not enough with a fingerprint sensor or a PIN, since nowadays we store personal data or banking data in our smartphone that would cause a real disaster if someone stole them .

If your Android device has ever been stolen, you surely understand the importance of being able to make sure that no "caco" will achieve its goals in such an easy way.

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