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by (725k points)

Improves the management of the Android clipboard with Clip Stack

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by (725k points)
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The function of copying and pasting using the clipboard is universal in most operating systems, as it saves us work and hassle. The Android universe could not be less, that's why we want to show you the free Clip Stack program with which to improve the management of the Android clipboard .


The management of the clipboard is something that has always been associated with Word office tools of the Office package, but personally it is something I used when sending and receiving emails through the smartphone and sometimes I miss a more flexible clipboard .

Improves the management of the Android clipboard with Clip Stack.

With Clip Stack we will have a complete clipboard history in our reach , in which we can see copied texts and thus re-paste them even if the current clipboard content is different.

Its power is increased by being able to manage this history : we can delete history items, add items to a favorites list, create a backup in Google Drive, etc.


The possibility of having a convenient list with the copied elements, is always useful if we use tools in which we enter text. I am not one of those who like to say that an application is the best, but I can say that Clip Stack is my favorite application to manage the clipboard today.

This app has a great advantage and is that it is completely free and open source. It does not contain advertising but there is the option to send the developer a voluntary donation. The open source project maintained on GitHub seems to have been abandoned, but the application continues to receive updates in the Play Store.

Personally, Clip Stack has become one of the essential apps that can not miss on my smartphone and is also compatible with virtually any Android device .

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