The use of mobile devices is becoming more common, therefore, it is important to always protect our communications, especially those we can make from public access points or networks to which more people can connect (for example at work or in the institute) since we do not know who is hiding at the other end of the router.
A very simple application to encrypt our traffic is Hello !. This application, as we have seen previously in Google Chrome, is specially designed to bypass the geographical restrictions of some web services (for example Netflix). Have Hello! in our smartphone it will allow us to access these services as well, encrypt the connections and access some options of the applications that are restricted exclusively to certain countries.
Hello! is a totally free and ad-free application that we can download from the Play Store .
Once installed on our device, we execute it and we will see an interface similar to the following one.

As we can see, the application is based mainly on 2 buttons: Unlocker and Accelerator.
The button "Unlocker" will allow us to apply a separate connection for each of the applications. If we click on the button we will see a list with the applications of our device and with other popular ones in our country that use encrypted connections through Hello.

If we click on the flag of each of the applications, a list will appear with the different countries through which we want to connect.

We select the one we want and in the previous list of applications we will change the corresponding flag.

If we execute the application in question we can see how all the traffic is generated as if we were directly connected to the selected country and, by the way, all the traffic that is generated will be encrypted and travel safely and anonymously through the network.
The second button that appears is "Accelerator". This button enables an additional function of Hello! that will allow us to have the following characteristics:
- Increase in the speed of navigation and download.
- Buffering improvements to watch videos online.
- Reduction of between 20 and 30% in the consumption of the data rate.
- All unlocked sites to access from anywhere.
This function is optional. If we want to connect only in an application through the VPN of Hola! simply with the unlocker will serve us perfectly.
In case of not having root in our device, Hola will offer us the possibility of establishing a VPN connection with its servers to encrypt, hide and protect all the communications that we make through our device.