The bots are something that are becoming very fashionable, especially in mobile applications, in fact Telegram has been one of those that recently decided to bet strongly for this type of functionality. WhatsApp does not have any official bot, but it has appeared on the Play Store qeuBot, the first bot that integrates with WhatsApp .
Clarifies that qeuBot works as an external application but manages to integrate with WhatsApp . It is not a modified version of WhatsApp or anything unusual that puts our account at risk. Personally, in the current state of development I do not see much use for bots, although after trying them on Telegram, I have to say that I have found them very curious, but nothing more.
I imagine that you are impatient to try qeuBot and find out what we can do with it . First of all we must install qeuBot from the app store itself, we find it in this Google Play link .
Once the bot is installed, we can access its functions from WhatsApp using the following commands:
The use of the bot is very simple, we only go to a conversation where we want to use it and if for example we want to look for information about Christopher Columbus on Wikipedia, we would write: Christopher Columbus @wiki
The qeuBot app is free, although it limits the @gif, @news and @pic commands to its paid version . Curiously they are the three most interesting commands to animate conversations with the bot, so if we want to use them we will have to pay € 1.69.
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