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Available Chrome Canary in Play Store

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One of the virtues of Google's browser is its active development and constant evolution. This is mainly due to a great collaboration from developers and users around the world, who help to correct bugs and solve problems. Now we have available the most experimental version of the browser, which includes possible ideas and new experimental functions, more than a browser to use, is a test bank, we talk about Chrome Canary .


Available Chrome Canary in Play Store, the experimental version of the most famous Android browser.

Until now, if we accessed Play Store we had three branches of the Google Chrome browser available:

  • Standard version : the one that we all install on our phones and that is supposed to be stable and without bugs.
  • Beta version : the changes that will soon reach the standard version are tested for a while in the beta version. This version is considered stable enough, but without ruling out possible specific problems.
  • Version for developers : it is a version of Chrome destined to the test of new APIs and of exclusive use for developers.
  • Canary version : is the experimental version, a test bench where each user acts as a guinea pig to test new functions and ideas. It is an unstable version and is not recommended for daily use.


Now the Chrome Canary version is fully available from the Google Play Store for anyone who wants to use it. With it we can test the latest developments and experimental features that developers are implementing. Being the users themselves who test the browser, they also have the possibility to send bug reports to solve them as soon as possible.

From the Google Chrome development blog itself, they warn us that since it is an experimental version, it is updated very frequently, which can be a burden if we update through the mobile data rate. So you know, if you want to try Chorme Canary, do it only if you have a WiFi network.

Google Chrome Canary: Google Play .

Link to the news: Available Chrome Canary on the Play Store

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