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Play Store already allows the streaming of games and applications

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Demonstration versions with limited functionality are a thing of the past and Google emphasizes this by launching streaming games and applications directly from the Google Play Store .


With this new functionality we can try for 10 minutes an application or game , to decide whether to buy it or not. A great idea that will help the undecided and unnecessary reimbursements.

Play Store already allows the streaming of games and applications so you can try them before buying them.

It was expected that Google would give more information about this new functionality, but for the moment it has not been pronounced, although there are already several users who report that they have this option available. And although there was talk about this streaming option a long time ago, it has not been until today that it has reached the general public.

As usual, Google releases these updates progressively throughout the world , to address the problems before a global launch.

The operation of this option is simple, now when we access a paid game or application in Play Store, we will see a new button that says "Try Now" , which when pressed will show live streaming the application running on Cloud.


During a period of 10 minutes, we can test the total functionality of the application. We can try the same application as many times as we want, but no data, sessions or anything like it will be saved every time we start a test in streaming it will be with the newly installed application. At the moment they are only appearing in paid games (for example Ticket to Ride ) , but it will also be available in applications.

With this new functionality, Google Play Store not only strengthens its position as the main store of Android applications , but also may avoid more than one problem with the purchase of applications that finally were not as good as we thought.

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