What would happen if Zen Studio, a studio known for creating the best pinball tables, joined Bethesda studios, another studio famous for creating such renowned titles as Doom, Fallout or Skyrim. Well the answer is very simple, that from this union will be launched the new Bethesda Pinball, which promises to be the best pinball game of the year .
If you've never tried the pinball genre, the new Bethesda Pinball may be the best way to give it a try. It is a very peculiar genre, since it tries to simulate the experience of the classic pinballs with mechanical levers and the truth, that not only get to hook millions of players, but also the graphics and the gameplay are very successful.
Zen Studio already has experience launching its own pinball tables on Android, in fact in Play Store we can find Zen Pinball . Now we will find new tables but with an environment based on the titles Doom, Fallout and Skyrim of Bethesda .
This combination promises to be very entertaining and will transfer the universe of each game to your corresponding pinball table. But the own Bethesda has affirmed that the tables will have special characteristics , reason why they will not be limited to move the ball by the table, but also we will be able to:
At the moment Bethesda Pinball is not available in Play Store, but we hope to see it from December 6th. Another good news is that it will be available for other platforms, such as PC or video game consoles.
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