Niantic continues to do everything to attract the attention of its players and at least retain the most loyal. Recall that Pokémon Go rose to the podium of fame as quickly as it got off, but with this new Valentine event in Pokémon Go , Niantic shows us his love in the form of candy.

This event will last until February 15 , so make the most of the advantages it offers. We will not find our better half in Pokémon Go, but at least it will make our free time more bearable.
Get more candy in Pokémon Go with the Valentine event.
The first improvement is that it has doubled the number of candies we can get when walking with our Pokémon companion . In the same way, when we get rid of a Pokémon by sending it to the teacher together, they will also reward us with twice as much reward as a reward .
In addition we will enjoy certain advantages at the time of capturing Pokémon, since during this event there will be more probabilities of obtaining the Pokémon: Chansey, Clefable, Clefable, Cleffa, Igglybuff or Smoochum . If you are missing any of these in your Pokédex this is the right time.

The adorable Pokémon that we named before will also dye your mobile device pink when an egg hatches, since it also increases the possibility of them appearing.
I have reserved for the end the improvement that you will like the most, it is an increase in the duration of the bait (Lure), which during the Valentine event will last up to 6 hours .
Everything indicates that it is a good time to go for a walk in the city and make some Pokémon captures, since our chances of success are vitaminized by Valentine's Day.
We do not know if it is enough motivation to capture the interest of new players, but what is certain is that it will be of great help to current players.