It will be a matter of a month, a friend acquired the NBA JAM On Fire Edition of the PS Store. We decided that since 2 downloads can be made, I would let it install in my Play as well. Well, the game worked properly Offline, but when trying to play it Online, I threw this error "You have lost your connection to Playstation @ Network and thus lost your connection to the EA Servers. Please check your Ethernet cable. access any online features until you sign in I Playstation @ Network and the EA Servers again "and in turn, I missed PSNetwork with this other" Error 8005A548 ".
Well, thinking that maybe the problem was that the game had not paid for it, I decided to invest € 13 in it and buy it.
Nothing, that once bought, keeps giving me the same error, and I can not solve this problem. I have already contacted the EA support, but for the moment, after 2 weeks of waiting, I still have not received an answer. Would someone know to give me a hand with this issue?