How to locate lost or stolen Xiaomi Redmi S2

How to locate lost or stolen Xiaomi Redmi S2

  • Response 1:

    Unfortunately, the theft of an intelligent mobile device for resale is a very common situation. This represents a gigantic loss for the user, not only because of the monetary value of the phone, but also because of the amount of personal information and photographs that are found in it.

    However, the devices of the Chinese brand Xiaomi have foreseen this kind of situations, since the developers of their mobiles worry a lot about the safety of their users and their personal data, thanks to this, there are some preventive measures that you can follow to this kind of situations.

    That is why, next, we will proceed to explain how to locate your mobile on your Xiaomi Redmi S2 .

    These steps that will be explained in the following tutorial, must be followed perfectly before the mobile device is lost or stolen, otherwise you will not be able to find it. Remember that in the first place you have to have a registered account in Xiaomi. If not, you must configure it.

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    Step 1

    Initially, position yourself in the main menu of your device Xiaomi Redmi S2, then locate the section of "Settings" which can be easily recognized by the drawing of a gear.

    Step 2

    Once you are inside this section, you will be able to observe a large number of customizable options for your mobile device. Among these, you must select the "My account" section. In this section you will find a large number of personal aspects that are possessed within the system.


    Step 3

    Among the options that you will find in the "My Account" area, select the "My Cloud" section and proceed to access it to customize the settings.

    Step 4

    Inside this section you will have a large number of options for your account in the cloud, one of them will have the title of "Locate device" you must press it to continue with the procedure.


    Step 5

    Once you enter this window, you must verify that the location of the mobile is activated, you can make sure that this is enabled by the presence of the "Deactivate locate device" button, however, you must not press it.

    Step 6

    After having made sure that this section is activated, leave the "My Account" section and the "Settings" section of your Xiaomi Redmi S2 to proceed to enter a browser, either from your mobile phone or from your mobile device. computer to access the following website.
    LOCATE xiaomi

    Then, log in on this page with the same information of the Xiaomi account of your device, then locate and press on the "Find device" option.


    Step 7

    After pressing on this option, you will notice how a map shows you with the precise location of your mobile device at that moment, likewise, you can zoom in the map to have access to a more exact location.

    In case you want to locate the extra options of that location option, all you have to do is click on the bottom of the mobile.


    In this simple way, you can locate your Xiaomi Redmi S2 device at any time.