How to fix Xiaomi Mi 9 sound problems

How to fix Xiaomi Mi 9 sound problems

  • Response 1:

    It is very common that problems arise throughout the life of use of a mobile terminal, and one of the most recurrent are with the sound of the device. However, it is almost never about anything that requires extreme measures, so we should not despair, since in fact, there are several solutions that we can use to solve these errors.

    You should also know that each of these solutions are specific to the mobile settings, so you should not download any App or program that helps you solve the sound eventuality if your phone is a Xiaomi Mi 9. For this in TechnoWikis today we will explain the procedures you can perform with this Android phone.

    The first thing you will have to do is to try the actions that we will list below:

    How to solve sound problems in Xiaomi Mi 9

    First, before you turn to other extreme situations that require more protocols, start with the simplest. Start by following these simple instructions to see if the problem of sound is just a small error that is present in your internal system.
    • To start off, turn off your phone, remove the SIM card and re-integrate it.
    • It also disables the Bluetooth function.
    • Restart your device.
    • Wipe the slot on the phone\'s earpieces with a thin cotton object to rule out that it is not something that is interfering with the sound input and output.
    • Wait until the moment when your device runs out of power and turns off. Then, charge the phone without turning it on and when you have a good percentage of power, turn it on again.
    • Finally, activate the safe mode and make a call.

    In case none of these indications has worked for you, then you are forced to follow these other indications that require more elaborate techniques.

    1. Clear the Xiaomi Mi 9 cache to solve sound problems

    When you delete the files that are located in the device cache, many problems are solved, since you are getting rid of the elements of the applications that are accumulating and that are not necessary. To do so, you have to do what the following tutorial tells you:

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    2. Update your Xiaomi Mi 9 to solve sound problems

    In case that the cache of your device has not been cleared, you can use this procedure, to do so, follow these instructions:
    Step 1

    To begin, you have to go to the "Settings" of the mobile device. One way by which you can find them is by identifying the icon of a cogwheel on the main screen of your system.

    Step 2

    When you have already accessed these settings, scroll down until you find the "On the phone" alternative. When you select it, it will tell you if you have new updates.


    Step 3

    Now, click on the box described as "System Update".

    Step 4

    Once you have done the above, you will find a window in which the "Update" option will appear. You have to select it to finish with the procedure.


    If in spite of performing all these procedures, the problem is not solved, the last option you can go to is placing your device as a factory. Just remember that by doing this you have to keep a backup copy on your computer in order not to lose any valuable item you keep on your phone.

    This is all that is within reach of your hands to perform, in such a case that absolutely nothing has served you, if you have to resort to a cell phone technician to determine why such an inconvenience occurs in your Xiaomi Mi 9, but , the most common is that this problem is solved with one of these indications previously mentioned.