How to link widget titles in WordPress

How to link widget titles in WordPress

  • Response 1:

    Making the titles of widgets clickable with a link to a link has been a necessity since the beginning of WordPress, but we never found a plugin solution to add this functionality.

    How to link widget titles in WordPress.

    In recent days , a plugin has appeared on the news page of WordPress plugins that allows us to add this functionality very easily and is called Widget Tittle Links .


    Its use is very easy, when we are going to add a widget from the administrator control panel a new field will appear that allows us to add a link to which the widget title will be linked .

    This allows us advantages how to improve SEO increased internal links for example and distributing the link juice among other parts of our blog or even with external friendly pages.

    With some themes for WordPress this plugin may not work properly , since it only works with those widgets that use the widget_title filter since the plugin makes use of this hook to make the cliackable links.
    An idea for developers could be to have more links and control whether they open in a new window (with the HTML attribute target="_blank" ) as well as to be able to set them with the rel="nofollow" attribute.

    Summarizing we can say that it is a very good and simple plugin, that performs the task for which it was designed perfectly and if you are looking to add the functionality of making the widget titles link to a link this is the appropriate and supported plugin for the latest versions of WordPress.

    As always, I also recommend the use of this plugin whenever you have the need, because as we already know an excessive use of plugins can lower the performance of our blog and even increase the response time.