Today, choosing a good domain name is essential for our page to succeed. I will try to make a very short and straightforward article since this is a topic that I would give for a chapter of a book.
Before starting with the tips for choosing the domain, I want to make it clear that two ways can be followed, one is the choice of a name that is related to our website or company, for example and another way is to create a brand own, for example
The first technique is to include keywords in the domain name , this has lost importance in recent years but it has a fairly important relevance and certainly helps to position in search engines. The second technique is to create a brand, which does not include keywords, but allows us to create more original, unique and novel names.
In my opinion, the first technique of including keywords is the right choice for personal websites, to exploit micronichos or aimed at the information or sale of a specific product or service. The second technique I see more suitable for companies with their own name, since that is how the brand name is made known.
Once we have both techniques clear and we know which one we should use, we have to take into account a series of tips to choose the domain name.
Finally I remember a previous article where we recommended several companies and we advised you to choose a company to register your domain name .
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