Freelance jobs online how to get started

Freelance jobs online how to get started

  • Response 1:

    Today has been a day like any other despite the end of the world according to the Mayan culture and I have stopped to think about the freelance work I developed for some client, especially WordPress designs. After thinking about all my work as a freelance I have realized that it is something quite badly paid, since every hour of work is paid at a low or very low price and this is due, in my opinion, to the great existing competition.


    Even so, I don't want to discourage anyone, but if you have to know that the world of freelance jobs is usually poorly paid although there may be exceptions.

    Freelance jobs online how to get started

    Many of you will find yourself in the middle of this desperate crisis and without knowing how to get an income , because freelance jobs can give you extra income, but living from them I see complicated, everything depends on the effort and the type of work.

    As a general guide I can tell you that today there is a lot of demand for personal blog writers. This is a task in principle simple and that mastering the language of the articles should be an option for most. The thing is complicated when writers are asked for specific topics since not everyone can have the required knowledge and that's when the value of the articles increases.

    You can find copywriter jobs or offer your copywriting services in forums that have a business area and where you can offer your copywriting services. If you master English, a good place to start is DigitalPoint

    I have also seen demand for designers and programmers of web pages, which is quite logical since with the period of crisis, all companies want to make the leap to the internet with the hope of becoming known.

    For designers and programmers with imagination, who have had some innovative idea to develop some small / medium web project, it is a good promotion platform to use the Envato page that collects various markets to sell your creations.

    The name of each market varies depending on the theme, some of these markets are:

    • Graphicriver is focused on the sale of graphics.
    • Themeforest is focused on the sale of templates or web themes or for some CMS such as WordPress, Joomla or similar.
    • Codecanyon is focused on selling scripts, especially in PHP.
    • 3Docean is focused on the sale of three-dimensional models and renders.
    • Audiojungle is focused on the sale of samples, loops and others.

    I hope it has served as an initial guide and if anyone knows any page where to get freelance jobs and wants to share it, it is free to do so.