How to join mosaic fashion for Instagram profile

How to join mosaic fashion for Instagram profile

  • Response 1:

    If you have an Instagram account and you are active in this social network, you will have noticed that it has become fashionable to create profiles with mosaics , that is to say, from an image several sections are created that when published form a mosaic with the original image. In this article, we show you how to join the fashion of mosaics for the Instagram profile.


    Instagram is a very peculiar social network, since it is the images that speak of each person and exposes the way of being of each one.

    How to join the fashion of mosaics for the Instagram profile by creating mosaics easily with the Instagrid application.

    It is true that with any advanced photo editing program we can get a perfect mosaic, but this already leads to a PC and knowledge to use a program that many users do not have. We are going to show you a method to do it for free, quickly, easily and directly from the smartphone .


    For this we will use a program available in the Play Store for free, it is called Instagrid . Once we execute the program we will have to choose the initial image from which we will create the mosaic.

    Next we choose the number of squares that our grid will have. The ideal is to choose 3 squares wide, since it is the space that the Instagram profile images occupy. The application itself shows us the grid on the photograph so that we can get an idea of ​​what the result will be like.

    Finally we save the images of the mosaic, which Instagrid is in charge of numbering so that you upload them in order and without repeating any. Of course, you must take into account that the images have to be published in Instagram manually, since Instagrid does not allow uploading to Instagram automatically.

    Download Instagrid for Android: Play Store