The stickers arrive to WhatsApp but only in photos

The stickers arrive to WhatsApp but only in photos

  • Response 1:

    The stickers have reached practically all the applications of communication and instant messaging, but WhastApp was reluctant to adopt them. Finally, the stickers have reached WhatsApp but not as we expected, we can only use them when making a photo from the application itself .


    We could call them "limited stickers" , but it will always be better than nothing. In the latest beta version of WhatsApp, we have this new functionality available, which as always, once passed the beta period will go to the stable version for all audiences.

    How do WhatsApp stickers work in photos?

    The process to use them is simple, first of all we have to take a photo from the WhatsApp itself and then click on the upper icon with emoji shape of "smiling face". We will see that the available stickers are shown, there is currently a library with more than 250 different ones.


    By clicking on the stickers, these are added to the photo we have made and we can resize or move them . These stickers, accompanied by the text tool and the pencil tool, allow us to quickly create funny pictures or even memes.

    To obtain this new functionality you must install the beta version of WhastApp, to obtain it there are two options:

    • Use an external source , with the risk of having some type of virus. I do not recommend this option in any case.
    • Install the beta directly from Google Play , but for this we need to become a "beta tester" through this link . If in the future we decide that we do not want the beta versions of WhatsApp, we can abandon the "beta tester" program from the same link.

    Whatever option you use, keep in mind that Beta versions are susceptible to failures and instability , but if you do not want to wait, you are already installing this new beta of WhatsApp to enjoy the stickers.