+2 votes
by (725k points)

My mobile was stolen. How to block it?

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (725k points)
Best answer

When we have our new phone in our hands, the worst is not going through our heads, so they can steal it. The funny thing is that this is something that happens more often than we think and when the time comes we do not know how to act. For this, we will try to guide you with a tutorial on how to block an Android mobile stolen .

Me han robado el móvil ¿Cómo bloquearlo?

This method that we will show you is valid for Android devices, as long as you have an associated Google account . I have seen many users showing a visceral hatred towards Google, but sometimes you have to think twice, because without Google account we will not have access to this functionality.

Other problems may appear during the process that we should not ignore:

  • If we have the identification in two steps activated to access the Google account, which requires reading an SMS on the mobile, we can not complete the process because the mobile has been stolen.
  • For this method to work, the mobile must be turned on .

Steps to block an Android mobile in case of theft.

With this method we can not only block it, we can also find out its location, make it sound or delete its data, all remotely.

First of all, we will initiate a session in the Google account that we have associated in the mobile . Next we can write in the search engine Google the phrase "where is my mobile" and we should see a small map indicating its position. This position can be approximate in some cases, but it is generally quite accurate.

donde esta mi movil

This is the simplest method to geolocate the stolen mobile , but now we will continue delving into the possibilities.

Block the mobile.

Another option is to go through the browser to the URL https://myaccount.google.com/find-your-phone where you will ask us to select the device. You can identify the mobile because it registers it with its brand and model. You can also check the country from which it was used and the time since the last session was started.

find your mobile

Once the device is selected, the system will request the password of the Google account for security. This step has been included by Google to make sure that the person who is going to request the blocking of the mobile is really the owner of the device and is not a malicious user trying to take advantage of a session already started.

opciones seguridad encontrar movil

Now we will see on the screen several options and among them the one that interests us, that is, the option "Lock your phone" . By clicking on this option, it will take us to a new screen where we will have to configure the following options:

  • We can set a password so that the user can unlock the screen. In case you already have a password, it will not be modified.
  • We can configure the message that will be displayed when the screen is blocked.
  • It is very important to add a phone number you can call in case someone finds the phone.
  • Finally, we only have to press the "Block" button.

Now on the mobile screen, only our message, the phone number we have configured and a warning message that the device has been blocked will be visible.

Other options: make it sound or erase data.

If what we want is to try to find the mobile and we know it is close, we can use the option to make it sound. In this way we will listen to its sound and we will be able to locate it.
The other more drastic option is to request the deletion of the mobile content. It is an option that allows us to ensure that our sensitive data does not fall into the hands of the thief.

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