How to remove Xiaomi mobile advertising

How to remove Xiaomi mobile advertising

  • Response 1:

    It is one of the most commented news in this last week, since Xiaomi phones show advertising to their users even in the settings or in the system's tools . There have been few users who have shown their dissatisfaction with this police of Xiaomi, but the manufacturer does not plan to rectify. Therefore, we will show you how to remove the advertising on Xiaomi mobile.

    Cómo quitar la publicidad en móviles Xiaomi
    The truth is that this measure taken by Xiaomi does not take us by surprise, since their phones are perhaps the ones that maintain the best value for money in the market. Even not long ago several Chinese brands were news for having pre-installed spy applications .

    The most curious thing is that Xiaomi faces the dissatisfaction of one of its buyers without much surprise and even disinterest in what happened. From the company say that advertising is fundamental part of their strategy and allowing them to maintain their terminals at affordable prices.

    Users have shown multiple points of view, but in general advertising is not welcome.

    There have been some users who have defended Xiaomi stating that while there are options to deactivate the ads , it does not have to be a problem. On the other hand, some do not even care if ads appear in applications such as the file manager, the music player or the cleaner, because they do not use them.

    Personally, this practice by Xiaomi does not seem justifiable or comparable to other applications that show ads to be sustainable. We must not forget that we have paid money for the mobile phone and that less than not having advertising clogging.

    The manufacturer raises the issue to users if they are willing to have a mobile with advertising in exchange for being cheaper. This approach is not new, because we already saw it in the Amazon tablets, the Kindle.

    How to remove Xiaomi mobile advertising?

    At the moment we can eliminate this advertising from our Xiaomi phones without much effort, since the manufacturer has had the detail offer options to disable it . Some ads even show notifications, this type of advertising being the most annoying.

    Some users have even thought that their mobile phone had been infected by some type of malware, but curiously it is a "feature" of Xiaomi's MIUI operating system.

    MIUI system ads

    To deactivate the advertising in the settings section and avoid notifications with links, we will have to go to the "Settings" menu and then select in the "System and device" section the "Additional Settings" . At this point, depending on the MIUI version, the process may be different:

    • On devices where the option "Authorization and revocation" is available , you must deactivate the msa application (MIUI System Ads) .
    • In devices that have the "Privacy" option available, go to the section "Advertising Services" and deactivate the option "Use the advertising identifier" .

    Turn off the advertising of Xiaomi mobile system applications.

    To remove advertising from system applications (Music, Security, Downloads and File Manager) , the procedure is similar in all cases. First you have to access the settings section of the app in question and disable the option "Receive recommendations" or "Show recommended content . "

    Once these steps are followed, the advertising will have completely disappeared from the device .