How to use WhatsApp voice calls?

How to use WhatsApp voice calls?

  • Response 1:

    After the purchase of WhatsApp by Facebook, it was announced that before the summer, the instant messaging client most used by users of mobile devices would have a voice call service between users through the Internet. Although this service is not yet available or functional, with the latest beta versions of WhatsApp that can be downloaded directly from the company's website (instead of from the Play Store), the corresponding entry for these calls has been enabled. voice, although they still do not work.

    To make a voice call, both users must have the same version compatible with this WhatsApp service, otherwise the call can not be made. Within a short time the calls will be compatible with all the users since the corresponding version of the Play Store will be updated with this function.

    To make a call simply we must open a conversation with the user we want to call, open the menu of that conversation and select the "call" entry. It will also work by clicking on the name of our contact so that a new window will appear in which we must select if we want to send a message to our contact or make the corresponding call for this client.


    At the moment this is not functional as we have said and, clicking on this entry will automatically show us a warning and a conventional call will be made through our mobile rate.

    As soon as this new and expected function is available we will update the article and we will explain all the news and features that the new WhatsApp calling feature will offer us. It is expected that in the future WhatsApp will also allow video calls and calls to groups since, for the moment, this new beta function is limited to individual voice calls only.