How to protect purchases from the play store with a password to avoid unwanted charges?

How to protect purchases from the play store with a password to avoid unwanted charges?

  • Response 1:

    The Android application store, the Play Store, makes a large number of free applications available to users, however, payment applications are also offered which, if we do not have control over our device, it is possible that we will assume a unwanted charge on our credit card either through purchases in the store or through the dreaded in-app purchases.

    Google offers users the possibility to protect these purchases with a password so that before paying, you will have to enter your password to confirm the payment. This allows, for example, the smallest or unauthorized people can buy content without our permission with the corresponding expense that this entails.

    By default this is disabled, but can be easily activated by following the steps below:

    The first thing we must do is enter the Play Store and open the "Settings" window.

    Android Google Play Store Protect Shopping Password Photo 1

    Once there we will see a section called "Request authentication to make purchases". Click on it and a new window will open.

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    Here we must choose whether we want purchases to be made without the need for a password or, otherwise, if we want to protect purchases with a valid password for 30 minutes (once we enter it, we will not ask for the password again until 30 minutes later) , useful to make several purchases in a row) or have the system ask us for the password for each purchase we try to make.

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    Once activated this option we can close the configuration window of the Play Store and try to buy any application from the store. As we can see, an intermediate message will appear asking us for our Gmail password in order to make the purchase successfully and, without it, the payment process will not be finalized.

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    This measure also affects the in-app purchases that both attract the attention of the youngest and that without adequate protection measures can cost hundreds of euros in a matter of minutes.