Check Who Connects To Your Wifi From Android With Fing

Check Who Connects To Your Wifi From Android With Fing

  • Response 1:

    When our Internet connection gives problems or starts to work slowly it is possible that another user is connected to it and stealing bandwidth. Apart from changing the password and reinforcing the security of the connection it is advisable from time to time to analyze the network to know all the users that are connected to it and analyze them to check if they are own devices (computer, mobile, console, television, etc) or any of them does not match any of our devices.

    Having an application on our smartphone that monitors our entire network in search of intruders is very useful as we will be able to explore the network at any time without the obligation to use a computer for it.

    A very useful tool to monitor the hosts connected to our router is Fing. Fing also offers many more network management and control options for this purpose, such as the possibility of obtaining useful data about the connected system, analyzing ports and services in use or pinging to verify connectivity.

    Android users can download Fing free of charge from the Play Store .

    The use of this tool at a basic level is very simple. Once the download is finished, we execute it in our device and automatically the program will explore our complete network and will return a list with all the devices that are connected to it at that moment.


    If we click on any of the devices we will see a window with much more information about the device in question.


    From this window we will know the IP address, the MAC, the network name, the manufacturer, etc. We will also see in the lower part a series of tools:

    • Log: It shows a record of host activity.
    • Scan Services: explores the active services of the selected host.
    • Ping: Perform ICMP connectivity tests.
    • Trace Route: It shows us the complete route from our device to the destination.
    • Wake on Lan: It allows to start the device through the network, as long as it is compatible with this.

    These tools, although already more advanced for their full use, allow users with some additional knowledge to have more control over the network using simply an Android device.