How to Clean a Bed

How to Clean a Bed

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    our advice

    It is a good idea to raise your mattress to the sun every six months. Take your mattress out and leave it under the sun for six hours. It is worth it, even if it is troublesome to move the mattress down. Since the sun will kill the bacteria in your bed, you'll have a clean and bacteria-free bed again!

    In order to have a good night's sleep, you need to clean your bed regularly. If you want to learn how to clean the bed, please continue reading.

    We spend a third of our lives in our bed. This requires our bed to be durable. Our bed contains dust, dirt, hair, stains and even dust bugs. Because our bed is a long-term investment, we need to know how to clean the mattress in order to prevent it from being spoiled and harmful to health. Please be sure to check the instructions on the label of your mattress before you use the products.

    How to clean the bed?

    Vacuum cleaner

    Vacuuming your bed once a month helps you clean up the dust, dead skins and debris that occur over time. It is important to use a clean broom head, or you will only carry the dirt back to your bed. If your mattress is not suitable for cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, you can clean the dust residue and leave to dry with the help of a clean and damp wet cloth.

    Odor Removal

    Dirt like dust and sweat traces on your bed will start to smell in your bed over time. To make your bed smell fresh and fresh again, pour the carbonate over it for half an hour and then sweep it with a vacuum cleaner. Carbonate is a natural odor remover, it will remove bad odors in your bed. If you want your bed to smell nice, you can pour five drops of lavender oil into the bed and then pour it into your bed. It will make you sleep comfortably in your smelling bed.

    Cleaning and Removing Stain

    In the process of cleaning the mattress, it is important to clean the stains accumulated over time. Beds can be exposed to fluids such as vomit, blood, sweat and urine. It is best to clean these uncomfortable elements before they are placed on the bed.

    To clean the bearing, remove excess liquid with a wet cleaning cloth. Use only cold water to prevent placement of these protein-based fluids during cleaning. When using the cleaning cloth, clean it by pressing on the stain. Scrubbing the cloth will cause the stain to settle further. Optionally, you can add an effective detergent to remove a small amount of Omo on the cloth . When cleaning the bed, be careful not to get it too wet because it will take time to dry!

    How to Clean a Bed 3 Easy Tips

    • Cover: Using a mattress protector is the best investment for keeping your bed clean. Bed protectors prevent stains from settling on the mattress and are easy to clean as they can be washed in the washing machine. It is also possible to find waterproof and anti-allergy bed protection types.
    • Turn your mattress seasonally. So you can keep both sides equal. The bed is not something you can lift on your own and it is too heavy, so make sure it is a team work.
    • Ventilate: You can accelerate the drying time of your bed by using a ventilator. Do not cover the bed until your bed is completely dry and do not sleep. This eliminates the risk of mold.

    bed cleaning


    When using any cleaning product, you should always read the operating instructions. Before attempting any cleaning, test in a small, invisible area. Check the washer label when cleaning your clothes. Safety first - of course always take the necessary safety precautions.